

AdaLite is a lightweight web wallet for Cardano cryptocurrency that supports hardware wallets and mnemonic recovery. Learn how to run, develop, test and donate to this project on GitHub.

AdaLite is a Cardano web wallet that lets you buy, sell, and stake ADA. It's a popular choice for investors who want to access their funds using a hardware wallet, as AdaLite supports popular hardware options like Trezor model T, Ledger Nano X, and Ledger Nano S.

AdaLite supports three means of accessing your wallet. For enhanced security, we recommend you to use a hardware wallet. Free open-source web-browser Cardano wallet with Trezor, Ledger Nano S/S Plus/X and BitBox02 support. Highly secure and accessible from everywhere.

AdaLite is a lightweight online wallet for Cardano token holders (ADA). Users can choose from three connectivity options: Using a mnemonic phrase (the fastest one);

The AdaLite team (people from Vacuum Labs, the company that develops Ledger and Trezor firmware for Cardano) announced on Twitter that the Ledger Cardano firmware app now supports Shelley and so does the AdaLite open-source web-based wallet. This is also confirmed on Ledger's support page for Ledger's Cardano app.

AdaLite is a lightweight online wallet for Cardano token holders (ADA). Users can choose from three connectivity options: Using a mnemonic phrase (the fastest one); Using a hardware wallet (the most secure one); Via an encrypted Keystore file. The easiest way is to use the seed phrase.

Set up and use AdaLite to access your Ledger Cardano (ADA) account; Set up and use Yoroi wallet to access your Ledger Cardano (ADA) account; Manage ERC20 tokens; How to access your Ledger Cardano (ADA) accounts via Nami; Set up a Polygon (MATIC) account in Ledger Live

AdaLite is a Cardano light wallet that allows you to store and send coins securely. Learn how Vacuumlabs, a spin-off company of the Vacuum Group, solved the technical challenges of reverse-engineering the Haskell codebase, mapping the crypto primitives, and submitting transactions.

1) First, download the Catalyst Voting application on your mobile device. Adalite provides QR codes and links to iOS and Android Catalyst apps. 2) Make sure you have 500 ADA available in your wallet at the time of registration and on the 11th of June when the snapshot occurs.

Connect your Ledger device and open the Cardano ADA app. A Waiting for commands... screen appears. Go to AdaLite. On the AdaLite web page, click on the Hardware wallet tab. Next, select Unlock with Ledger. A pop-up menu appears. Select the device type (Nano S or Nano X) and click Connect.

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